Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Maslans from Seattle Make a Difference

The Maslans

During July, 2007, Carol and Rabbi Bob Maslan of Seattle visited Kiryat Malachi and Hof Ashkelon for a day. Both are members and Carol is on the staff of Herzl Ner-Tamid synagogue, a conservative synagogue in the Seattle area, which has raised funds during its high holiday appeal in recent years for over and above projects in the region.

The Maslans visited the Senior Day Center in Kiryat Malachi and were very touched by the reception they received. They asked if there was a smaller need at the center that their Havurah might be able to help support.

Herzl Morad, head of the Senior Day Center, told them of the need to renovate the "beauty" salon, so the Maslans came back to Seattle and raised over $4500 for the project. The money arrived in Israel in late summer, and we hope the renovations can begin soon!

Herzl with the beautician and Carol Maslan

(Posted by Dina Tanners - Seattle)

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